Ballard Estate -
Sometimes I wish I was that child running in the
garden with freedom, without any worries, because I know now, bruised elbows are easier to heal
than broken hearts.
Dr.Sneha remembered
the scribbled lines on canteen table. The wood and wrought iron bench in the
far corner, the hot cup of masala tea, lasting cinnamon fragrance in the air
and those long conversations about life and death. The stolen glances, the
fleck of ketchup on his pristine white shirt, Dr.Sneha replayed the most vivid
moments in her mind.
"Doctor Phadnis
- are you alright?" Tara asked craning her neck.
"Uh-Yes - yes, everything is fine, please continue" Sneha replied.
"I was just saying that Dr.Ahuja has been a great support to our family, he is a compassionate man and understands Roohi's complications so well. We are truly grateful." Tara said waving Roohi's hair.
"How did you
find him?" Sneha asked.
"Come to think
of it, he was like a divine intervention, a stroke of luck, out of the violet,
that's how co incidental it was. Roohi was unwell yet again, had to rush back
to Mumbai leaving a conference midway, Missed
a connecting flight, argued with staff, got a horrible co passenger,
moved to someone else's seat and, and then I
met Aryan" said Tara while Sneha checked Roohi for any bruises .
"Roohi is fine,
she's not hurt, in any way " Sneha emphasized looking at Shekhar.
"Oh thank
goodness. Thank you , thank you so much, this is the best piece of news I've
heard in what seems like a really long time. And I'm sorry, I was just too
worked up" Shekhar said looking at Cyrus.
"Come here
Cyrus, its OK, everything will be just fine, let me have a look" Sneha
said while walking across towards Cyrus. He took a few steps back
spontaneously, but stopped after a few paces as he saw Dr.Sneha walking towards
Shekhar walked
towards Tara and Roohi while Sub Inspector Bhambore scratched his right
"Erm so ,now
where are we with the case madam ? Do I
-" Bhambore asked looking at Dr.Sneha Phadnis.
Cyrus is studying in a law school, he is going to be a lawyer soon. He hails
from a good family, and I know his
parents quite well. However, life has not been kind to him.
In fact he is the one who should be complaining. He is the one who should speak. Haven't I told you Cyrus not to be the victim, be the victor, haven't I taught you to get up and fight - where is that brave soldier, that brilliant lawyer gone ? Get up Cyrus, get up." Sneha spoke as the only other noise came from passing vehicles honking unnecessarily.
In fact he is the one who should be complaining. He is the one who should speak. Haven't I told you Cyrus not to be the victim, be the victor, haven't I taught you to get up and fight - where is that brave soldier, that brilliant lawyer gone ? Get up Cyrus, get up." Sneha spoke as the only other noise came from passing vehicles honking unnecessarily.
"He is
harmless, he has been hurt, yet he would never hurt anyone else" Sneha
concluded after a pause.
"So madam
should I..?" SI Bhambore did not complete his question as looked at Tara.
"No inspector saheb its
not required, we are not pressing any charges" Shekhar said while looking
at Cyrus.
"Uh-oh yes, I
mean what was all the chaos about,eh?
You had raised hell on the kidnap issue just a few hours back"
Bhambore attempted to raise the issue one more time.
Roohi managed to
free herself from her fathers embrace and ran towards Cyrus.
Sub Inspector
Bhambore realized the futility of his question shaking his head.
Tara extended her
arms and said "Come on sweety, it’s
a long way home, lets get going".
"I don't want
to leave Cyrus alone, he's lost, we need to take him home too" Roohi cried
out loud.
Fanus wiped the solitary tear rolling down his cheeks and looked at Cyrus with a hint of a smile.Shekhar pulled Roohi out of Cyrus's embrace and started to walk towards his car parked a few meters away.
"Take care" said Tara while walking out of the warehouse. Cyrus and Fanus hugged each other as tears trickled down their eyes.
"OK,I think I
will go as well, will have to make some report out of all this" said
Bhambore following Tara's footsteps.
"Fanus - I
think he needs rest, he needs to relax. Can you take Cyrus to the hotel? Also,
please follow up on the return tickets. I need to excuse myself for a little
while" said Dr.Phadnis.
"But where are
you going, aren't we going back together?" Fanus asked raising his
"Don't worry ,I
won't be long, its just that I need some time of my own - will be in touch on
mobile" she said and walked out.
"Fanus, I'm not
going back" Cyrus said looking down.
The two looked at
each other without speaking any further. The
silent look was witness to a melee of emotions. The years of being
together, the bullies and the bruises, the pleasure and pain , the chiding and
the hiding , the losing and the finding, all summed up at that moment in time.
"We can face it
together Cyrus, you are not alone, we will build a new life, our life, on our
terms and conditions"
"My life is
over in Delhi Fanus,I will make my life , a new life , on my terms in
Mumbai" .
"Uff that’s all
you know - I ,I,I, and more I - whatever happened to we Cyrus? Where are we in
this new life? Where did you think about me ? Or does it not matter to you
"Fanus its
I,I,I and only I who was raped not you, it was I who lies here bruised and
battered, not you, it is I who is
shattered Fanus. You were not pinned down by two hands in the back of a
building. Your body was not humiliated, penetrated, ruptured and left to bleed.
Your soul was not hurt. You did not walk
half naked to the nearest hospital. Your eyes did not see those snigger's, your
ears did not hear those whispers, your hands did not shake uncontrollably. Yes
Fanus, you guessed it right. It was me."
"It was not my
fault that I didn't know" Fanus knelt down.
"I'm not
leaving, Fanus- its decided."
"I am leaving
Cyrus - I'm going back to Delhi - I am going to complete my studies and face
the world. Not hide here , I am not a coward, I am going to go out there and
face the world - I don't believe in breaking, I believe in making. Besides,I am not leaving college,I am going to back and stick it out.What are you
going to do about your law school? Abandon it ?" Fanus asked raising his voice.
"Law is not for
me, I will make movies" he said.
"Make movies?
You are out of your mind,you have no background, no godfather, no connections -who is going to let you
make movies ?"
"That's not the point Fanus, let's see who stop me from making movies".

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Read Episode -19
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